Poor Boris

beaver - Poor Boris

My husbands gran has the cutest dog, Boris. He is a Golden Retriever. Huge great thing he is!!! Over the past few weeks he has been unwell, unable to keep any fluids down, so they have told her that the has got something wrong with his oesophagus. On Thursday he was really bad, unable to stand & really wasn’t himself. 🙁

So he has had to go to doggy hospital and they have kept him in, they have told John’s nan that he is really ill & that it doesn’t look good. So we are all a little glum today and have our fingers crossed that he is OK & well enough to come home.


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**Shhhhhhhh! Sale is still on **

sale - **Shhhhhhhh! Sale is still on **

oh my what a success the sale was, how do you all find out so fast that its on???? Oh the power of the internet. I have lots to keep me busy whilst my husband does some work on his thesis. Keeps me from distracting him when he needs to concentrate.


We thought as the sale was only announced late on yesterday, we will keep it up & running until early evening today, gives people a chance to check their emails & pop on over to koolbadges.

Its a dull rainy day outside the koolbadges workshop window today, so i shall not be venturing out. I will be making badges & listening to the sound of the rain on my window ledge. Happy Thursday 😉 ... Continue Reading

Half way through the week

daff - Half way through the week

We went to the local pub quiz last night, at the Seven Stars. We thought we would get out and about and meet some locals and see what its all about. It seems that the pub quiz is really popular & VERY hard. We did not win, but i am happy to say we were not last either. It was really good fun, we had real trouble coming up with a team name, so we ended up being called the Osmonds! God knows why.

In the koolbadges workshop we have been beavering away, on alot of custom orders. Seem like party season out there at the moment. We are getting asked to do alot of party badges. I love doing the custom badges, seeing what images people want on their badges & finding out what they are for. Its exciting. ... Continue Reading


bluesky - Sunday

oh my, i had a super long sleep this morning. It was 9.40 before i got up, that’s really late for me. I am normally out of bed for 7.45 / 8am.

I had alot of orders waiting to be cut out and made into badges. John really helped me out today. I cut and he made them, then we both put the backs in. What a team 🙂 With alot of tea and coffee drinking done to get us thorugh.

We wanted to get done quickly this morning as the sun was out and it was warm outside, so we took ourselves off for a walk to explore our new neighbourhood. Its a lovely place to live.

Blue Sky

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A little time out to meet friends

jisun23 - A little time out to meet friends

John and I took some time out this evening to meet up with one of our oldest & bestest friends (Munra). She was up from Cambridge visiting family in Chester and we only live 35 mins from there so it was an opportunity to pop over and spend some time with her. She has recently become a mummy to Ji-Sun who is half Korean and 100% gorgeous.


We met at a pub in Cheshire called the Stanley Arms a great little family friendly pub on the canal. We had a good old catch up, Ji-Sun is getting big (6 weeks old). We all ate too much and sat there that long our bums went numb. Ji-Sun was as good as gold! ... Continue Reading

Unpacking & more unpacking

So we have been in the new house for one week now and we are slowly getting there. Out internet is all hooked up and we are gradually getting all the rooms sorted.

Its a much bigger house, than the one we have moved from. So all our furniture is spread out over 6 rooms, looks like we need to go shopping for some more. Its a lovely house in a great neighbourhood, something we did not feel about where we lived before. We have friendly neighbours and family really close by.

As soon as i get things sorted i will take some snaps of the house. ... Continue Reading