Yes its official i have outdone myself & toally pigged out on pancakes this weekend. I am to be kept as far away from the pancake mixture, lemons, sugar & maple syrup as id humanly possible. Its for my own good.
John & i have had a quiet weekend, just pottering around the house sorting out some old magazines and paperwork. I am getting things in order for when we move. I seem to have a fear of having too much clutter. I am sure i have spoke about this before. I hate having unessacary clutter & bits and bobs that people give for (often as gifts) that you do not want but have to find a suitable spot in your house for. For me thats the bin. I try and keep all the lovely things (sometimes not so lovely), but they stress me out & they have to go. At first in a draw then eventually in the bin. Everytime we move & thats alot i have to scale down our belongings get rid of things i haven’t used. Am i mad or do you do the same? ... Continue Reading
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