Almost March

Yes this year is dispersing right before my eyes. I wish i was busy with fun and exciting things, but the truth is i’m not. I’m an either at the hospital visiting my dad (who had a stroke & brain surgery in December) or i am making badges. I seem to split my time between the two.

My dad was told yesterday that he wouldn’t be able to go home to his current house as he will not manage to get up and down the stairs so he has to somehow look for & purchase a new house whilst in hospital. Stressful! ... Continue Reading

Tis Tuesday

badges2 - Tis Tuesday

It could be any day of the week, they all feel pretty much the same at the moment. Really working hard on the badges. We love it but it can be long hours. Its pancake day today. What did you all have on yours? I had strawberries on one and on the other i had nutella. Delicious. No photos as i ate them way to fast to think about taking a picture.

A catch up of whats been going on over the past few days at Koolbadges HQ.

My Precious

pinkring - My Precious
Me & Zena Bobby Dazzler Pill Box Ring Pink

No words needed. Just feast your eyes on these pretty finds

This BEAUtiful ring from Lazy Oaf *swoon*

Oh my & they have a necklace too! You need to pop over to Lazy Oaf & have a look

This cool leaf silhouette. What a great idea from All Things Paper

These look like so much fun. Classic Skates from

Oh & I thought it was Tuesday for the longest time today. Oh well i guess my weekend is 2 days closer as its really Thursday!

Wedding Season

So we love a good wedding! Nothing nicer & so many people are using small handmade businesses to create more of their wedding. At koolbadges we think this is a great idea. From handmade invites & save the date cards to table favors and decorations! People are really getting creative.

At koolbadges we have noticed a rise in the number of people (mainly Brides) purchasing our badges for their Hen Nights, Wedding Party & for Wedding Favors. We especially love making your custom badges too. I thought id leave you with a few Wedding themed badges so you can see what sort of thing we offer. Feel free to contact us regarding custom badges & we offer discount for larger orders. Buy British | Buy Handmade :o) ... Continue Reading

Always on the run

And its Monday again, just like that in a blink of an eye the weekend come and goes. I was busy visiting my dad in hospital & also helping him go home for a day visit. Which is great to see, its hard work to get him in and out of the car & to remember all of his medication and things he needs to take with him.

John also took me to St Andrews for dinner on Saturday night, we also walked along the coast followed by a coffee and cake. Nice to get away from whats been happening and have an evening to relax. ... Continue Reading

Never Caught Up

So Friday is here and this week i have not managed to catch up. I was so organised and wrote my To Do List on Sunday night – its still sat at the side of me & i have only crossed off 2 things, one of which someone else kindly did for me. Its sage to say that this week was just about keeping my head above water (or badges). We had a surge in Valentines Orders from Wednesday & as Valentines Day is on Tuesday they had to be made and sent out quickly.

I now have a To Do List that will carry over until next week & will be double the size. I have packaging & supplies that i have yet to unpacked and put away. They are blocking my front door. This will be a job for Saturday. Stationary is my guilty pleasure. I may not have had time to sort them out this past week but i am secretly looking forward to doing it. I love having lots of shipping supplies, paper and craft bits in the studio. Makes me feel like i am ready for when its busy. Now all i need are some orders :o) ... Continue Reading

Big Freeze

Scotland is in the middle of a big freeze. We were all getting a little cocky thinking winter had passed us by without too much fuss. Oh how we were wrong. This past week has been so cold. We have been trying to stay in the house where its warm. So the only trips we have been doing is to the Post Office, Printers and to see my dad in the hospital. All unnecessary journeys are on hold until the temperature gets above freezing. I am a fair weather girl & made for warmer climates.

If you know me then you know i love products, makeup, skincare & all things girly. I have given myself a challenge of not buying any beauty items for 5 weeks. Apart from essentials like cotton wool & face wash. I am one week into my challenge and its hard, but i have not cracked. Only time will tell how i get on. I am hoping buy not buying anything new i re discover items i have forgotten about & use up products to scale down my collection so its more manageable. ... Continue Reading

Turned Chilly

Scotland has really turned cold & we are trying hard to keep warm in the koolbadges studio. This means we have to dig out our fingerless gloves & keep the hot cuppas flowing.

No plans for the weekend, just some hospital visits. My dad is gaining his memory back & we have been asked by his therapist to think of games to play that will help his memory and concentration. My dad was never much of a games man, so we are finding it hard to come up with good ones. They can’t be to hard ot long and he needs to be able to play them with one arm (as he only has the use of one). Does anyone have any idea at all? ... Continue Reading