Big Orders

We have been busy bees this weekend, printing, cutting & making badges. We have had some big orders from Holland & America. So that has kept us busy ….. oh & not to mention the dreaded trip to the post office. This is always an experience. The queue is always huge & the post office is the hottest place on earth, full of weird people & your always met by the most unfriendly unhelpful person at the counter! So thank god its over for another week.

Here are some pics of the badges we have been making over the weekend. Oh & hello & thanks to Jenny for being our first ‘Blog Comment’ Message me me your add on Myspace & let me know what badge you want… because there is a free one coming your way Woooo Hoooooo ... Continue Reading

Up & Running !!

j v2.thumbnail - Up & Running !!

Well as is really starting to take off, we thought it was about time we started a blog. So we can tell you all a little bit about ourselves & our little badge empire. You will have to hang in there with me as i have never had a blog before so this is a first for me.

Koolbadges is a is a one woman one man operation. Thats me Vicki (28) & my husband John (23). The whole idea was brought about on a holiday to San Francisco last June, where we went to so many cute art shops, galleries & craft boutiques, we were inspired to do some crafting of our own. & so koolbadges was born. ... Continue Reading