This Set of 3 Danger Mouse Badges features iconic characters and symbols from the classic British animated series Danger Mouse. One badge showcases the titular hero, Danger Mouse, with his eyepatch and confident pose. Another highlights his loyal sidekick, Penfold, with his distinctive round glasses. The third badge displays the recognizable DM logo. These badges are designed with bright colors and bold graphics, capturing the nostalgic charm of the beloved 1980s retro cartoon TV show.
The badges for sale here on our website are 1 inch (25mm) button badges (also known as pinback buttons, pinback badges or pins). These are the most popular size & type of badge. Our badges are traditional pinback style badges with a copper pin fastening on the rear.
All of the button badges on
Kool Badges are hand made in our UK workshop. We have been making button badges for many years & know how to make great badges at the best prices.
If you don't see the badge design you're looking for you can Upload Your Own
Custom Badges to create a unique, personalised & cheap badge! See our
Design Your Own Badge page for details.
Please note: A lot of the badges available on Koolbadges are made up of designs supplied to us by customers. Therefore it is not always possible to check the origins of individual designs. If you feel any badge infringes copyright please
email us and we will remove any offending badges within 24 hours. We strive to ensure that all designs do not infringe copyright, and will do our utmost to rectify any instances of infringement.