Halloween badges are some of our most popular products here at koolbadges. Every year we seem to make more & more halloween badges for our regular customers. Many people don’t even think of badges when it comes to Halloween costume planning but they are great to pin to school uniforms & work clothes. It is much easier to wear a badge on your shirt than to sit at your desk dressed as a ghost or zombie!
Halloween badges also make great trick or treat gifts. Hand them out to the children who knock at your door along with sweets & chocolate as an extra special treat.
The workshop is working day & night to get out your badge orders & we sent out a special discount to all of our newsletter subscribers. If you aren’t on our email list, head over to the website & sign up for an account. You can then opt into the newsletter.
We have hundreds of halloween badges to choose from, from pumpkin badges to ghost badges and witch badges. We have such a great range so go check them out & grab some to give out this halloween.
Right, we are off to start carving pumpkins & decorating the workshop in preparation for all of the halloween badge orders coming in. We also need to come up with costume ideas for the workshop. We are thinking of doing a The Walking Dead theme this year. Bring on the fake blood & zombie makeup.