Over the past 10 years, our school-leaver and teacher badges have become some of our most popular badges. We have expanded our range and ability to customise many of the designs. We have a wide selection of specific subjects, like Science, English, Maths and Philosophy as well as classic, class of 2023 (or the year you’re leaving). Our badges make thoughtful keepsakes for both students and teachers. I have added a fun selection of the designs we offer, be sure to click through to our online koolbadges shop to browse our collection, we have lots of really fun designs. Our teacher customers are some of our favourite & it’s so nice to see so many of you come back each year.
We have a wide selection of Class of badges that can be customised to any year you need. So if you are a teacher and your tutor group or class are graduating or leaver to start secondary school or college, then these make quirky keepsakes. We have rainbow designs, graduate cap, stars, and lots of funky patterns. Your students can wear them to their exams, as a good luck memento, and keep them as a reminder of their time at school. ... Continue Reading
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