Love Hearts

Back Track

So its been a while since i posted here so i am going to do a few update posts to let everyone know whats been going on. its been a BUSY BUSY couple of months.

So first things first. Me & my hubby packed up our Freelander & moved from Scotland Back to the North West of England in Januray. Trust us to move during what some may say was the worst winter Britain had seen for 30 years. The snow was MENTAL. Our trusty Freelander ate it up & John (hubby) was great behind the wheel.

From the North West we carried on making badges & saving our pennies as we had a plan (not telling you what that was, not just yet).
Here are a few badge orders that were made …..
I Love Tea Badges
teafortwo 300x259 - Back Track
Love Hearts Badges
hearts 300x221 - Back Track
General Election Badges
vote2010 300x248 - Back Track

I will be back later to continue the update, first i have to get some orders out.

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