Out and In

That’s what i have been doing today, going out & in. We took some lunch round to John’s nan, as she hasn’t had chance to get out to the shops as she has had to stay home to look after Boris (who is doing a little better). We took her the yummiest pies from Pimblett’s Bakery they do THE best Meat & potato pie. So we spent the morning there eating & talking.

Then we realised we forgot the washing (we have no washing machine at the moment), we take our washing round to John’s nans house (very kind of her to let us use her machine), so we had to go home & get the laundry and take it back to her house & go to the post office to post a mountain of badge orders.

koolbadgestoppersblog - Out and In

Then it was so sunny so we decided to go out for a mid afternoon walk, it sure was hot out. We walked for about an hour and thought we had best get home and do some work, badges don’t make themselves.

Green Trees and Blue Skies

trees - Out and In

Once back in the house we realised that we had forgotten about a couple of orders that needed to be be sent out within 5 days & so that meant going back to the post office (super fast). All in a days work, right?

So it really feels like we have had a revolving door on our hose today, its nice to settle down for the evening with my book. Hope your Monday hasn’t been as frantic.

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