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Privacy Notice

Who we are

Our website address is:

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

User Information

If you place an order/create an account with us, we collect personal data essential to fulfilling your ecommerce order. This data includes your name, billing & delivery address, email address and a password allowing you to login. Your password is encrypted in our database for an added level of security, and we are unable to read it on your behalf.

If you place an order with us, we also record the products ordered and the typical contents of an ecommerce order including your name, address, email address and the IP address which was used when ordering. This information is recorded in our database for accounting & taxation purposes. An account will be created when you place an order with us using express checkout.

Our website is fully HTTPS encrypted meaning any information you pass to our website is fully encrypted in transit to our database.

Your email address will be used to contact you regarding issues or changes to your account & for updates on any orders placed. We may also contact you to follow up on a partially completed orders to help us improve our customer experience. Your email address will not be used for any other marketing purposes & will not be shared with a third party unless you place an order or sign up for our newsletter. If you place an order, your email address will be shared with our Payment Provider PayPal for payment confirmation and transaction recording purposes. If you sign up to our newsletter your email address will be shared with our mailing list provider Mailchimp.


If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Any custom badge designs you upload will be retained on our server for 6 months before being deleted permanently. We retain these images to process your order & manufacture your personalized products.

Contact forms

If you use the contact form, the email is delivered directly to us. If you require a reply we will reply, but your email contents will be deleted once dealt with. No further records of your email are kept & your email address will not be used or shared with any third parties. Our office computers are Apple Macintosh computers with password protection & full disk encryption to ensure your privacy in the event of equipment theft.


If you create an account or login to our site a cookie will be created on your computer to store the contents of your basket and to maintain your logged-in session. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you browse our website & to maintain the contents of your basket as you shop. These cookies will last for one year on your computer & you are free to clear them at any time using the history clearing functions of your browser.

If you have an account, and you log in to this site, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.


We use Google Analytics for the purposes of improving our website & the customer experience. We do not pass on any of your personal information to Google & we have opted to anonymize your IP address with Google to further protect your privacy in analytics. We pass on referring websites to Google, so we can better understand the sources of traffic to our website & also in order for us to monitor the effectiveness of our adverts on Google's shopping service.

When you place an order on our website, the order total along with the products ordered are passed to Google to allow us to understand which products are popular & which traffic sources are providing revenue. Again, this information carries non of your personally identifiable information and is used purely to gauge the effectiveness of our paid advertising on the Google shopping network.

Who we share your data with

Your personal information such as Billing & delivery details, email address & products ordered will be shared with PayPal who act as our payment provider. This data sharing only occurs if you place an order with us & is necessary in order for us to process your payment. The information we share with PayPal is also covered by their own privacy policy to comply with GDPR.

If you sign up to our email newsletter, which requires separate consent, you agree to allow us to share your data with our Mailing List provider Mailchimp. Your email address & name will be shared with them when you sign up to our newsletter & will be covered by Mailchimp's own GDPR compliance & privacy policy. You can remove your details from our newsletter at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link contained at the bottom of all newsletter emails.

How long we retain your data

If you create an account on our website, we will store your account information until you ask us to delete it. We tend to delete any accounts which haven't been logged into within the last 3 years & we consider those to be inactive accounts. You can request to have your account deleted at any time. Simply drop us an email using the contact form or directly to with your account details & we will delete your account.

With regard to any orders placed, we cannot delete your personal information from transaction records for accounting & tax purposes. We must keep a record of this information in order to satisfy our obligations for the purposes of accounting & tax. Your account can be deleted, but the order invoices will remain in place as a record of the financial transaction.

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account on this site, you can request to receive an export of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Your contact information

You can contact us at & we will be happy to answer any queries.



Fab Hen Do Badges

Hiya, just wanted to say thank you for the speed of putting a design together, your helpfulness in tweaking it, and the speed of delivery - they were...

Happy St Patrick's Day

Brilliant service. Fast & easy to deal with. Great range of St Patrick's Day badges. We found just what we were looking for!.Thanks Koolbadges

Great Badges

Prompt despatch (even Royal Mail DID then take forever to actually deliver). Very pleased with the quality of the custom-designed badges! Will...