Many of you already know that we offer a custom badge making service. If you have a design yourself you can upload it directly to our website and checkout online. If you would like a badge designing you can drop us an email and we will be happy to come up with something for you. We make any quantity of custom badges, from 1-10,000 and the more you buy the less you pay. If you only want a single custom badge they are £1 each (still a bargain as you can have absolutely anything on your personalised badge). If you want 100 badges they drop to 40p each so a considerable saving.
All of our badges are hand made using British sourced manual machines, part and materials. We make them in our badge workshop in the North-West of England are we are always happy and surprised to see your designs.
We make a lot of custom badges each month and are always looking to help people get their designs made up into badges, so please do drop us an email or visit our custom badge page and start making your own badges today. They are great to promote your business, your band, your group, your website or anything else that interests you. They are also great for weddings and parties.
Below are a few examples of our custom badges. You can upload your own design via our custom badge page or you can checkout the custom designs we have come up with for other customers.