Hen, stag & wedding badges

Hen, stag & wedding badges are some of our best sellers. Many of the hen & stag party badges can be customised directly on our website so you can personalise them with names, dates, locations and anything else you would like to add. We have hundreds of designs to choose from in our hen party badge section of the website and we are always adding new designs.

If you can’t find the design you are looking for, or want to match the colour scheme to that of your wedding we are happy to create custom listings for you. If you email over the details we will be happy to create custom wedding badges for you.

If you are handy with Photoshop you can also design your own and upload them to our design your own badge page on the website.

Below are a few recent pictures of hen, stag and wedding party badges.

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20140209 164552 - Hen, stag & wedding badges

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20140209 164642 - Hen, stag & wedding badges

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